"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully," Romans 12:6-8

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Family, memories, time---- Grau Family Preview

Today’s post is long overdue. I had the privilege of working with the Grau Family once again this past Saturday. Stacy and I met in nursing school and she is just as sweet as her family. It has been such a blessing to take pictures of her family a few times over the past few years. Seeing them interact as a family was so special. Their children are so clearly loved--- was very easy to see that they are a family who spends time together, making memories, and supporting one another. That’s what family is all about right? Being intentional, being supportive, being compassionate, being there.

As each day passes and I am one day closer to meeting our newest family member--- I find myself reflecting lots on these things. Getting more and more excited to start traditions, make memories, build a family base on love, and just spend time being there. That is my newest stance--- being there. Making intentional time of undistracted interaction. Although my husband would say that I am a “type A” personality--- I want to be the mother who lets the dishes pile up for the day because the books we were reading were too good, or the fort we made were too fun, or the conversations were too important. I want my children to be my priority and have comfort in the fact that everything else will eventually get done. This could prove to be a slight struggle as disorganization can get under my skin, but I don’t want to miss out on my children because of something fleeting.

Thank you Grau Family for sharing this special time in your lives with me. Enjoy those kiddos of yours--- they are something special! Happy Wednesday--- God Bless.

Grau Family

Grau Family-2

Grau Family-3

Grau Family-4

Grau Family-5

Grau Family-6

Grau Family-7

Grau Family-8

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Life--- balance.

Do you ever feel that life gets in the way of life? I know, sounds silly. What I mean is that we are so busy or choose to make ourselves so busy doing the “things of life” that we don’t get to enjoy “life”. So busy with work, grocery shopping, cleaning house, cooking food, cleaning after cooking food ;) and the list goes on. I am not sure if other people or other places face this same battle but it seems that our culture is so busy with the “doing” that we struggle “being”. Almost every night last week we had commitments. After coming home from a great weekend out of town we found ourselves with an impromptu visit with out of town friends monday night, family dinner tuesday night, softball game wednesday night, returns and errands thursday night (our chosen quality time activity for the evening), more time with family friday night, dinner with brother in-law, sister in-law and nephews last night… and now tonight we rest. To start again on monday with commitments each night. Please don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being busy and would chose nothing over being surrounded by family and friends---however, sometimes it just seems like a lot fitting it all together. Finding the balance of which activities we decline and which ones we accept can be a fine line to walk. If only we had all the time in the world to be in fellowship with one another and that “the things of life” didn’t get in the way.

I find myself frequently fighting the urg to be superwoman. No the hero in a cape--- but the silent one who works full time, gets all the house work done, cooks good meals, connects with friends, loves her husband well and makes it look easy, simple and enjoyable. However, I more frequently find myself loosing that battle. Working full-time with a “messy house”, a husband who cooks, seeing friends when I can and trying by best to love and serve my husband--- all while making it look as difficult as it feels. As I wind down to the last eight weeks of pregnancy, knowing my life is about to be changed forever--- I am preparing. Preparing to slow down on the “doing” and start focusing on the “being”. Being faithful about my daily quiet time with the Lord, being a content and loving wife, being a mom who plays with her kids on the floor instead of cleaning it, being someone who loves other before “doing” anything else--- just being. Of course things still have to get done in order to function or make it through a day--- but changing focus. Making an effort to do what is important, and leave the rest. Because in the end--- family is important, friends are important, loving His people is important. So after a long winded post (that has been long over due), that is my message to you. Find balance in life. “Do” what needs to be done and the rest of the time just “be”.

I spend some amazing time with two families yesterday doing a photo sessions. I was so blessed by each of them. Here are some pictures from my time with one of the families--- I work with Esther and it was such blessing to take pictures of her with her grandkids. Such a sweet family, enjoy! Check back later for another update from the Grau Family.






“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” Galatians 5:13