"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully," Romans 12:6-8

Friday, December 13, 2013

the perfect words.

My little, well she won’t be little for very long. She won’t always fit in my lap or perfectly in the crook of my arm at night. She won’t always need me in the way she does now. But now, now she does. This week has been a very long week in the Harvey house. My little came down with a cold last Thursday--- which then turned into croup by Sunday night--- and by today, it has changed once again into an ear infection. Lets just say that six out of the past seven nights, she has been sleeping right there in the crook of my arms. Seven out of the seven days, she has been tired, fussy, and wanting to be “ppuuupp” (that’s UP in Hannah language) all day long. By the end of the day I have been exhausted, and by morning… well, I’ve still been exhausted.

However, that’s the amazing thing about being a mommy--- I wouldn’t trade a single moment. The fact that my embrace has the power to calm her instantly, the comfort that comes from her snuggled next to me, or the peaceful feeling of us sitting staring at the Christmas Tree at 2am waiting for her medicine to start working. I am by no means perfect, and I often take for granted these times, I succumb to exhaustion and break, I loose my cool as my little clings to my legs as I try to cook lunch--- then I look at her, and I remember once again that the days are long but the years are just too short.

Last night I saw a post on Facebook, it was a shared article written to mommies--- I filed it away in my “read that later” section of my brain. Well tonight, I read it. I read it through many, many tears. The words were perfect. It was just what I needed today, at the end of a long week.

So you mommies out there--- grab a tissue, heck, grab the box.


What She Doesn’t Known-- http://www.moderndaydonnareed.com/2011/06/what-she-doesnt-know.html#.Uqvq5uJWM7c

"But I wanted you to hold my hand!" she said through streaming tears, close to hysterics.

I had walked down the stairs from our living room to our dining room one morning after waking her up. I can't remember a morning that she didn't insist on walking down each step herself, even though my hand was always offered.

Yet, today, in my haste to start the day by opening the window shade and getting our breakfasts ready, I did not offer it. And today, she wanted my hand.

In a very uncharacteristic gesture by my almost 3 year old, she climbed into my arms. Her face wet with tears. Her voice unable to catch its breath from the emotion of it all. And in a very uncharacteristic gesture by my almost 3 year old, she let me hold her, comfort her.

For what seemed like a blissful eternity, I rocked my little girl back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Her small koala body clung to mine, legs around my torso, arms around my neck. I stroked her fine hair and held her close.

What she doesn't know is that I'd hold her every day just like this. She could ask me anytime, anywhere, and I would drop whatever I was doing to take her up into my arms and feel her warm little heart beating next to mine.

What she doesn't know is that I live for her laugh, her smile. The tinkle of her happy voice in my ears is enough to bring blue skies to a cloudy day. When the corners of her mouth turn up with joy, my heart skitters into a thousand butterflies fluttering though a green meadow. I want to take away anything that makes her sad. I never want her to know pain, if it takes away that smile.

What she doesn't know is that after an atrocious day full of tantrums and harsh words, when I count down the minutes until bedtime, I miss her when she's asleep. If I knew it wouldn't wake her (and it undoubtedly would), I would crawl into her room just to peek at her sleeping. For a child so full of energy and life and passion during the day, she is surprisingly relaxed and at peace when she dreams. And though I may not be fully prepared for what the next day will bring, I am secretly excited for morning so we can meet again.

What she doesn't know is that I hate myself for the ways I fail her. The impatient clucking, the loud snap of my voice, the wrong choice of cleaning my kitchen when I could have been reading her a book. I pray she will not lack anything because of my faults and insecurities. And I hope one day she will see all the ways I worked on myself just to be better for her.

What she doesn't know, what she couldn't possibly know, is how deep my love runs for her. It courses through my veins. There is nothing I would not do, no thing I would not give up, for her. I know now, in a way I could not have known before I knew her, that love like this cannot dry up like a dusty river bed. It can only grow stronger, a raging river, with an endless source. It would be impossible to not love her.

What she doesn't know is that as time goes by, she will grow up. Dolls and blocks will be traded for cars and make up. I will spend the years grasping for her as she runs ahead, finding the delicate balance between holding on without holding her back. I know she will grow up. And she will be beautiful and confidant and wonderful. And I will miss her littleness.

One day I will look back and wonder why I thought it was so hard, oh so long ago, to raise this child. And I will vow to myself that if I had the chance, I would do it all over again. Every minute.

So today, I hold this little babe, rocking her back and forth, back and forth. I do not take for granted this moment of prolonged comfort: I snuggle her into my neck, breathe in her scent, and lock the memory of her deep in my heart.

Because what she doesn't know is that, no matter how many years go by, no matter how old she grows, she will always be my precious little girl.”



Saturday, December 7, 2013

A new little has joined the Grundmann Family

Today I was blessed. I was able to spend time with the Grundmann Family. For those of you who know them, you understand why today was a blessing. For those of you who don’t, you should--- they are a great family. Ryan and Jodie pour so much love and wisdom into their children. I always leave my time with them refreshed. About a month back, I took Family and Maternity photos of this amazing family. Well, Mollie Jane has since joined the world, and today we captured her preciousness. It was very fun to see her older siblings with her, they are so sweet together.

Welcome to the world Mollie Jane, and congratulations Grundmann Family. I adore you all! Thanks for allowing me the honor of capturing this special time. Here is a tease of a few pictures--- most of my favorites are being saved, incase they turn into a Christmas Card!

Merry Christmas, thanks for visiting!

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The second time around…

I have yet to post about my pregnancy on here… in fact, with the exception of our announcement I’ve yet to post about my pregnancy really anywhere. Its very different the second time around. I was so sure that I wouldn’t have “second child syndrome”. But here I am, 19 weeks (I think), and I have full blown “second child syndrome”. I didn’t take our first pregnancy photo til I was 17wks, when people ask how far along I am--- well it takes lots of thought, and I not confident when the number I give them. Don’t get me wrong, I am overjoyed about the blessing of another little. Its just different. Simply different.

With Hannah I had all the time in the world to think about being 14weeks and 3days, feeling every single kick, noticing every pregnancy symptom, planning, planning and planning. This time, I have Hannah. Hannah who does not stop, who is constantly making me laugh, constantly keeping me in awe, constantly keeping me on my toes. That leaves very little time to think about how far along I am, how I’m feeling, and planning, well, I think I learned with Hannah that the more you plan--- the less predictable life will be.

I am confident that it will continue to be completely different the second time around. Our second child will most likely cry more often than Hannah did, we will work through our sleep issues much, MUCH earlier, and will most likely not benefit from 2hr nap times snuggled up with mama. However, I am also confident that I will have just as much love for this child, as for Hannah. I will have overwhelming feelings of joy and astonishment by God’s blessings. I am even more confident that this child will experience even more love than Hannah did--- surely due to big sister Hannah.

Everyday she points to my bump, says “hollo babee” and give my belly a kiss. She practices rocking her babies, “shh-shh-shh-ing” her babies, and gives them lots of hugs & kisses. It touches my heart. I am so excited to see her as a big sister. I know that we will have our moments of adjustment as we welcome our newest family member--- that it wont be all kisses and hugs. However, we will take those moments as they come, and reflect on the difference “the second time around”.

All things “Baby B”:

We are going to be surprised with gender and are in suspense until May.

Our top names are Bryson for a boy and Brynlie for a girl.

Just started feeling regular movement, overall a calm little one in there.

I craving sweets, sweet, and more sweets--- do they make IV’s of apple juice?!?!?

My patience would extend past the end of a tac--- you can feel sorry for my poor husband and daughter.


Here are some “belly” pictures--- taken on Thanksgiving.

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As I realize more and more that “mommy-hannah” moments wont be in such abundance come May, I am trying to make the most of our time. Christmas seems like the perfect season for that. We are having a blast decorating, wrapping presents, listening to Christmas music and reading about baby Jesus. This little can seriously melt my heart!

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Family Photos--- with The Wollbrincks

This weekend we headed down to the Bay Area to celebrate Thanksgiving with my parents and sister. I am so thankful for my wonderful family and all they support they give us. It is always so very fun to visit them and spend time together. Our weekend was packed full--- we cheered my sister on as she coached a field hockey game, we did lots of baking, my mom knit Hannah the cutest scarf, we had dinner with my cousin and his fiancĂ©, we walked in the freezing cold, we took some family photos and to top it all off--- we decorated the Christmas Tree. By “we”, I mean my mom, myself and Hannah. Hannah had a blast, and placed all her ornaments in the exact same spot. There was a very well decorated clump of tree!! As always, it was a blast and we were very sad to go! If we could only convince them to move north--- we could even live on the same street!

Anyways, here is a glimpse at our family photos! Pregnancy brain hit as I was packing, and I forgot my tri-pod--- thankfully my sisters friend stepped in, and was our “button pusher”. Don’t kid yourself Dave, you make a great picture taker! Thanks for coming to our rescue.

Happy Fall and Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all are as thankful for your families as I am for mine.

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Isn’t this scarf the cutest?!?!

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These pictures were taken at Clos LeChance--- the winery where my sister interned. It was beautiful!

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We snuck away to get some pictures of my sister in the barrel room--- I just absolutely love her!

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Two of my Hannah favorites--- snapped right before we left.

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Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Making the most…

“After looking at the way things are on this earth, here’s what I’ve decided is the best way to live: Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life. And that’s about it. That’s the human lot. Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what’s given and delighting in the work. It’s God’s gift! God deals out joy in the present, the now.” Ecclesiastes 5":18-20

Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you’re going to live your life.” –Joel Osteen


We are blessed with the beauty of fall in our front yard. This beauty comes in the form of two HUGE, HUGE trees. Trees that drop tons and tons of annoying beautiful leafs. This past week, it has seemed that every time you looked out the window--- those annoying beautiful trees, drop more leafs that I thought possible. (Insert teachable moment here) One of my goals is to teach Hannah to have a grateful and happy heart in all areas of life. I want her to make the most out of things. So this Saturday, Matt and I lead by example. Although we were dreading getting all those leafs up--- and although “outdoor chores” are typically Matts domain. We decided to make the most of it! So we all changed into our sweats, grabbed some rakes, and headed outside with happy hearts.

And to be honest--- we all had a blast! It was not very long until all the leafs were in the perfect playful organized pile! Hannah, who has become quite the leaf collector this fall, thought she was in heaven. In the middle of a pile of colorful, crunchy, amazing leafs. She threw them, smashed them--- found joy in them. So from our family to yours--- get out there, and find joy in the annoyingly beautiful leafs!

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