"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully," Romans 12:6-8

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Maddie Rose

Today for a few moments, the my world paused. The craziness of life, the emotion of raising a wild developing seventeen month old, the fatigue of pregnancy, and the stress of keeping it all together--- it all faded. Because today, a miracle happened! I was so unbelievable blessed to watch my friends experience the feeling of becoming parents.

First off, let me say that Kari is more than a friend, she is family to me. She has been there to support, encourage and love on me. I am so deeply blessed by friendship that I think began with a simple run. (you know it’s a true friend when you can’t even remember the first time you met, how you met, or how your friendship even began) Through many runs I began to see Kari’s heart, and let me tell you--- this woman has a BEAUTIFUL heart for the Lord. Our friendship as couples grew as we spent time together over dinners, walks and games. Our lives have been blessed greatly by Gary and Kari, and we thank God for them. But back to the real reason of this post, the reason that my world paused today.

I watched Kari experience the most incredible thing--- and I watched her husband support, encourage and coach her. It was so great to see them working together. Gary was so attentive to Kari’s every need. I was blessed to witness their interaction, and it only affirmed more what amazing hearts these two have.  And Kari--- well, she was a rock! I am so very proud of my friend.

This evening, Maddie entered the world. It was beautiful, it was breath taking, it was a testament to God’s goodness. She was beautiful, perfect and so sweet. Her little coo’s and squeaks brought tears to my eyes. Seeing the overwhelming joy and love on her parents faces---- I don’t even have words to describe. There is no way to explain, understand or comprehend the feeling of seeing your child for the first time--- it’s the most overpowering feeling I have personally ever felt. I was so honored to see my dear friends experience this moment.

Gary and Kari--- I am sooo very happy for you and your new family of three. I am so proud of you both and know that you will be amazing parents. Maddie--- I love you already. You are precious and I pray that you and Hannah will be as good of friends as your mommy and I!

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Happy Birthday Miss Maddie!


  1. Absolutely breathtaking!!

  2. Beautiful and amazing photography capturing this beautiful day!
